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Your e-mail address has already been confirmed or is not saved in our system. Furthermore it is possible that you confirmed a wrong confirmation link. Please check once more your e-mail of confirmation.

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Please confirm the general terms and conditions of meebox GmbH

State: May 2018

Information of payment

Please insert the following information due to invoicing:

The fields with * are mandatory fileds!
Please accept the general terms and conditions!
Please choose the method od payment!
Please accept the current direct debit mandate!
e-mail not valid!
Subdomain not valid or already in use!
Voucher number not valid!
By submitting the form, you agree to the processing of your data. More information you can find here

Your Voucher number enables your meebox with 100% more memory space.

§ 1 Scope

  1. The following terms and conditions apply to all business between the parties. Whichever is applicable at the time the contract was valid version.
  2. Deviating, conflicting, partly conflicting or additional Terms and conditions of the customer, even if known, not part of the contract, unless we have agreed to their validity in writing.

§ 2 Offer and Conclusion

  1. Our offers are non-binding. Technical and other changes within reason reserved.
  2. The customer makes a binding offer of contract order.
  3. We are entitled to accept the present by ordering contract offer within a period of 10 working days after receiving it. But we are also entitled to reject the acceptance of the order, such as examining the creditworthiness of the client.
  4. At closing a sponsored meebox we are entitled to call the company logo and the name of the customer in our references.

§ 3 Services and prices on

  1. We ensure the provision of all in the contract agreed meebox functionalities incl. of the memory location. A permanent 256 bit SSL also provides encryption for data security during transfer over the Internet.
  2. The meebox FREE is a free of cost service. The restictions of the meebox FREE can be taken from our offer site ( It is always possible to upgrade to meebox BASIC, meebox PRO or meebox PREMIUM.
  3. The meebox BASIC offers a memory space of 2 GB. The meebox BASIC offers no extension of further extra memory like in meebox PRO or meebox PREMIUM. Further restictions of the meebox BASIC can be taken from our offer site ( It is always possible to upgrade to meebox PRO or meebox PREMIUM.
  4. The meebox PRO offers a memory space of 5 GB. If you want to extend the memory of your meebox you can do this under the menu item “MyMeebox”. For the invoicing the biggest value of memory space will be taken for the current month. Further restictions of the meebox PRO can be taken from our offer site ( It is always possible to upgrade to meebox PREMIUM.
  5. The meebox PREMIUM offers a memory space of 15 GB. If you want to extend the memory of your meebox you can do this under the menu item “MyMeebox”. For the invoicing the biggest value of memory space will be taken for the current month. There are no restictions of functionality in the meebox PREMIUM. Addtionally you get an extend customer support level.
  6. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, our prices ( are exclusive of VAT at the applicable rate. An invoice will be provided monthly online or sent in PDF format as required to the specified e-mail address. The meebox can only be rented for rental (SaaS).

§ 4 Payment

  1. The payment of the invoice must be made solely on the below-mentioned account: Commerzbank, BIC: DRESDEFF340, IBAN: DE91340800310662093000. The deduction of discounts is only permitted with special written agreement.
  2. Unless otherwise agreed, the purchase price within 10 days of the invoice is payable. Interest shall be calculated per annum in the amount of 8% above the base rate calculated. The assertion of a higher damage caused by default remains reserved.
  3. Alternatively, the customer of the meebox GmbH issue a SEPA mandate. The deadline for advance notice (pre-notification) is reduced to one day (24 hours). The customer assures to provide the funds in the account. Costs incurred due to non-payment or refund of the direct debit will be charged to the customer, as long as the non-payment or refund has not been caused by the meebox GmbH.
  4. Unless a fixed price agreement has been made, reasonable price changes due to changes in wage and distribution costs for deliveries made 3 months or later after conclusion reserved.

§ 5 Contract duration and termination

  1. Unless contractually agreed otherwise, the contracts are concluded for an indefinite period.
  2. The contract is terminable to the end of month without any deadline. Upon termination, the remaining data is stored in the meebox three months and then deleted permanently. Termination will be effected by operating the "Terminate contract" buttons under the menu item “MyMeebox”.
  3. Furthermore, we are entitled to terminate the contract for cause without notice. Such an important reason is, among other things before then, if the customer is located for two consecutive months with the payment of a significant proportion of remuneration in arrears. An important reason may be, inter alia, the fact that the customer violates or ignores warnings of the obligations.
  4. The meebox free is cleared automatically when inactive users after 60 days.

§ 6 Voucher schemes

  1. A valid voucher number authorizes the customer to use the meebox with twice the memory. This means in the meebox FREE 2 GB instead of 1 GB and in the meebox PRO 10 GB instead of 5 GB.

§ 7 Published content

  1. The customer undertakes not to publish content that may violate the rights of third parties or otherwise violate the law. The placement of pornographic, extremist or offending against good taste is not permitted. We are entitled to block the customer's access to the meebox if the customer has been violate this. The same applies in the event that the customer publishes content which is liable to infringe a third party in her honor, to insult people or groups, or to vilify. This also applies to the case where an actual legal right should not be given. We are not obligated to review the content of our clients.

§ 8 Data Protection

  1. We remind you that personal data will be stored as part of the contract execution. In order to activate and use our product meebox including the services, an account ("your subdomain" will be required.

    During the setup of your account, we collect personal data, for example your name, e-mail, if necessary your company supplemented with the telephone number and your address data. If you book a paid subscription with us, we will collect additional payment information (e.g. bank details). The mentioned data are processed only for the fulfillment of the contract.

    For the contractual and technical provision of our service and for the clarification of support requests, your personal and non-personal data will be processed by our employees and external service providers (IT infrastructure service providers) and passed on to them for these purposes. With the employees and service providers commissioned by us, corresponding contracts were made to safeguard confidentiality, data protection and data security requirements. There will be no transfer of personal and non-personal data for purposes other than those mentioned above as well as to other third parties.

    You have the option to terminate your contract at any time by the end of the month. The termination is made directly via the button "Terminate contract" in the meebox via the menu "MyMeebox -> Contract data". All personal and non-personal data will be completely deleted from our systems 3 months after the end of the contract, provided that the deletion does not conflict with statutory retention periods (for example when archiving billing data). At the request of the meebox-subscriber, a free backup including all files in the meebox (subdomain) belonging to the contract can be made available after termination of the contract until final deletion. If additional costs arise due to further, deviating specifications in the publication or deletion of the data, this is borne by the meebox-subscriber.
  2. You can view the stored data of the meebox contract by the role of a administrator in the menu item "MyMeebox" of your meebox. Here you have the possibility to change your data incl. the existing contract.
  3. You have a right to free information about your stored data and, if necessary, a right to correct, block or delete this data. If you have further questions regarding the collection, processing or use of your personal data, please contact us. The same applies to details, blocking, cancellation and rectification requests regarding your personal data as well as for revocations of granted consent.
    The contact address is: meebox GmbH, Brahmsstraße 6, D-28876 Oyten, E-Mail:
  4. In case of necessity, the meebox GmbH concludes with the meebox-subscriber (customer) a further individual contract for order data processing. This need may, for example, be present if the customer manages personal data from other external agents with the meebox-service. The meebox GmbH asks the customer to check this circumstance and to commission the meebox GmbH in writing by e-mail(info@meebox) or post(meebox GmbH, Brahmsstraße 6, D-28876 Oyten) with the preparation of a corresponding contract.
  5. The meebox GmbH takes general technical and organizational measures to protect the personal and non-personal data of the meebox-customers. This includes actions related to the following areas: access control, access control, access control, delivery control, input control, order control, availability control and separation control. A concrete example here is that all data is encrypted with a 256-bit SSL encryption method when transmitted over the Internet.
  6. The customer should be aware that data protection in open networks such as the Internet, according to the current state of technology can not be guaranteed. In particular, other participants in the Internet may also be technically able to gain unauthorized access to the network security and controlling the data traffic. This risk takes the customer into buying. For security, the data transmitted by the customer to the Internet and stored on web servers, the customer is fully responsible.

§ 9 Liability

  1. Claims for damages for breaches of obligations and tort are both against meebox GmbH as well as in relation to their vicarious agents, unless intentional or grossly negligent acts. For direct damages, consequential damages or lost profits due to technical problems and disturbances within the Internet or force majeure, which are not in our control, we assume no liability.
  2. For indirect damages and consequential damages and loss of profit, we are liable to entrepreneurs in case of intent and gross negligence. In this case, our liability is limited to typical foreseeable damage.
  3. The customer undertakes to us from third party claims - of whatever type - exempt, resulting from the illegality of questions in the I internet content. The indemnification also includes the obligation for all legal defense costs (for example, legal costs) in full.
  4. meebox GmbH is not liable for their published content and especially not for the completeness, accuracy or timeliness, nor that they are free of rights.
  5. The client is aware that in the short term and temporary due to maintenance, restructuring or other work on technical equipment, the scope is limited or not available. meebox GmbH, wherever possible, endeavor, but it can not guarantee to carry out such performance limitations at the time, in the basis of past experience, the power is not strong taken regularly in claim.

§ 10 Warranty

  1. Warranty desire are immediately reported to meebox GmbH, at no hidden defects within a period of two weeks from the provision of the service, but always in writing and details of the circumstances of the occurrence of the claimed error, and the effects inform. Otherwise the assertion of warranty claims is excluded. The client bears the full burden of proof for all claims, in particular for the defect itself, for the time of discovery of the defect and the timeliness of the complaint.
  2. In warranty cases meebox GmbH has the right to subsequent performance. Fails this within a reasonable period and propose them within a further reasonable extension, which the client has set to meebox GmbH, the client is entitled to the statutory warranty rights.
  3. The warranty period is one year from the provision of access to the meebox. Public statements, recommendations or advertisements of the manufacturer do not contractual specification of power. The meebox GmbH can make its supplementary actions on the existence of above conditions.

§ 11 Jurisdiction

  1. For all current and future claims arising from the business relationship the exclusive jurisdiction is Oyten. However, we reserve the right to assert our claims at any other admissible claims of trial.

§ 12 Supplementary law

  1. In addition, exclusively unified German law, notably the BGB / HGB. This applies in particular if the contract language is not German. The provisions of the Vienna Convention of 11 April 1980 on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) are excluded.

§ 13 Severability clause

  1. Should one or more provisions of this contract be invalid or be so is it not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision will be as soon as possible be replaced by another provision that comes the substance of the law invalid provision.

§ 14 Written form

  1. Verbal agreements to this contract do not exist. Changes or additions do not exist.

§ 1 Scope

  1. The following terms and conditions apply to all business between the parties. Whichever is applicable at the time the contract was valid version.
  2. Deviating, conflicting, partly conflicting or additional Terms and conditions of the customer, even if known, not part of the contract, unless we have agreed to their validity in writing.

§ 2 Offer and Conclusion

  1. Our offers are non-binding. Technical and other changes within reason reserved.
  2. The customer makes a binding offer of contract order.
  3. We are entitled to accept the present by ordering contract offer within a period of 10 working days after receiving it. But we are also entitled to reject the acceptance of the order, such as examining the creditworthiness of the client.
  4. At closing a sponsored meebox we are entitled to call the company logo and the name of the customer in our references.

§ 3 Services and prices on

  1. We ensure the provision of all in the contract agreed meebox functionalities incl. of the memory location. A permanent 256 bit SSL also provides encryption for data security during transfer over the Internet.
  2. The meebox FREE is a free of cost service. The restictions of the meebox FREE can be taken from our offer site ( It is always possible to upgrade to meebox BASIC, meebox PRO or meebox PREMIUM.
  3. The meebox BASIC offers a memory space of 2 GB. The meebox BASIC offers no extension of further extra memory like in meebox PRO or meebox PREMIUM. Further restictions of the meebox BASIC can be taken from our offer site ( It is always possible to upgrade to meebox PRO or meebox PREMIUM.
  4. The meebox PRO offers a memory space of 5 GB. If you want to extend the memory of your meebox you can do this under the menu item “MyMeebox”. For the invoicing the biggest value of memory space will be taken for the current month. Further restictions of the meebox PRO can be taken from our offer site ( It is always possible to upgrade to meebox PREMIUM.
  5. The meebox PREMIUM offers a memory space of 15 GB. If you want to extend the memory of your meebox you can do this under the menu item “MyMeebox”. For the invoicing the biggest value of memory space will be taken for the current month. There are no restictions of functionality in the meebox PREMIUM. Addtionally you get an extend customer support level.
  6. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, our prices ( are exclusive of VAT at the applicable rate. An invoice will be provided monthly online or sent in PDF format as required to the specified e-mail address. The meebox can only be rented for rental (SaaS).

§ 4 Payment

  1. The payment of the invoice must be made solely on the below-mentioned account: Commerzbank, BIC: DRESDEFF340, IBAN: DE91340800310662093000. The deduction of discounts is only permitted with special written agreement.
  2. Unless otherwise agreed, the purchase price within 10 days of the invoice is payable. Interest shall be calculated per annum in the amount of 8% above the base rate calculated. The assertion of a higher damage caused by default remains reserved.
  3. Alternatively, the customer of the meebox GmbH issue a SEPA mandate. The deadline for advance notice (pre-notification) is reduced to one day (24 hours). The customer assures to provide the funds in the account. Costs incurred due to non-payment or refund of the direct debit will be charged to the customer, as long as the non-payment or refund has not been caused by the meebox GmbH.
  4. Unless a fixed price agreement has been made, reasonable price changes due to changes in wage and distribution costs for deliveries made 3 months or later after conclusion reserved.

§ 5 Contract duration and termination

  1. Unless contractually agreed otherwise, the contracts are concluded for an indefinite period.
  2. The contract is terminable to the end of month without any deadline. Upon termination, the remaining data is stored in the meebox three months and then deleted permanently. Termination will be effected by operating the "Terminate contract" buttons under the menu item “MyMeebox”.
  3. Furthermore, we are entitled to terminate the contract for cause without notice. Such an important reason is, among other things before then, if the customer is located for two consecutive months with the payment of a significant proportion of remuneration in arrears. An important reason may be, inter alia, the fact that the customer violates or ignores warnings of the obligations.
  4. The meebox free is cleared automatically when inactive users after 60 days.

§ 6 Voucher schemes

  1. A valid voucher number authorizes the customer to use the meebox with twice the memory. This means in the meebox FREE 2 GB instead of 1 GB and in the meebox PRO 10 GB instead of 5 GB.

§ 7 Published content

  1. The customer undertakes not to publish content that may violate the rights of third parties or otherwise violate the law. The placement of pornographic, extremist or offending against good taste is not permitted. We are entitled to block the customer's access to the meebox if the customer has been violate this. The same applies in the event that the customer publishes content which is liable to infringe a third party in her honor, to insult people or groups, or to vilify. This also applies to the case where an actual legal right should not be given. We are not obligated to review the content of our clients.

§ 8 Data Protection

  1. We remind you that personal data will be stored as part of the contract execution. In order to activate and use our product meebox including the services, an account ("your subdomain" will be required.

    During the setup of your account, we collect personal data, for example your name, e-mail, if necessary your company supplemented with the telephone number and your address data. If you book a paid subscription with us, we will collect additional payment information (e.g. bank details). The mentioned data are processed only for the fulfillment of the contract.

    For the contractual and technical provision of our service and for the clarification of support requests, your personal and non-personal data will be processed by our employees and external service providers (IT infrastructure service providers) and passed on to them for these purposes. With the employees and service providers commissioned by us, corresponding contracts were made to safeguard confidentiality, data protection and data security requirements. There will be no transfer of personal and non-personal data for purposes other than those mentioned above as well as to other third parties.

    You have the option to terminate your contract at any time by the end of the month. The termination is made directly via the button "Terminate contract" in the meebox via the menu "MyMeebox -> Contract data". All personal and non-personal data will be completely deleted from our systems 3 months after the end of the contract, provided that the deletion does not conflict with statutory retention periods (for example when archiving billing data). At the request of the meebox-subscriber, a free backup including all files in the meebox (subdomain) belonging to the contract can be made available after termination of the contract until final deletion. If additional costs arise due to further, deviating specifications in the publication or deletion of the data, this is borne by the meebox-subscriber.
  2. You can view the stored data of the meebox contract by the role of a administrator in the menu item "MyMeebox" of your meebox. Here you have the possibility to change your data incl. the existing contract.
  3. You have a right to free information about your stored data and, if necessary, a right to correct, block or delete this data. If you have further questions regarding the collection, processing or use of your personal data, please contact us. The same applies to details, blocking, cancellation and rectification requests regarding your personal data as well as for revocations of granted consent.
    The contact address is: meebox GmbH, Brahmsstraße 6, D-28876 Oyten, E-Mail:
  4. In case of necessity, the meebox GmbH concludes with the meebox-subscriber (customer) a further individual contract for order data processing. This need may, for example, be present if the customer manages personal data from other external agents with the meebox-service. The meebox GmbH asks the customer to check this circumstance and to commission the meebox GmbH in writing by e-mail(info@meebox) or post(meebox GmbH, Brahmsstraße 6, D-28876 Oyten) with the preparation of a corresponding contract.
  5. The meebox GmbH takes general technical and organizational measures to protect the personal and non-personal data of the meebox-customers. This includes actions related to the following areas: access control, access control, access control, delivery control, input control, order control, availability control and separation control. A concrete example here is that all data is encrypted with a 256-bit SSL encryption method when transmitted over the Internet.
  6. The customer should be aware that data protection in open networks such as the Internet, according to the current state of technology can not be guaranteed. In particular, other participants in the Internet may also be technically able to gain unauthorized access to the network security and controlling the data traffic. This risk takes the customer into buying. For security, the data transmitted by the customer to the Internet and stored on web servers, the customer is fully responsible.

§ 9 Liability

  1. Claims for damages for breaches of obligations and tort are both against meebox GmbH as well as in relation to their vicarious agents, unless intentional or grossly negligent acts. For direct damages, consequential damages or lost profits due to technical problems and disturbances within the Internet or force majeure, which are not in our control, we assume no liability.
  2. For indirect damages and consequential damages and loss of profit, we are liable to entrepreneurs in case of intent and gross negligence. In this case, our liability is limited to typical foreseeable damage.
  3. The customer undertakes to us from third party claims - of whatever type - exempt, resulting from the illegality of questions in the I internet content. The indemnification also includes the obligation for all legal defense costs (for example, legal costs) in full.
  4. meebox GmbH is not liable for their published content and especially not for the completeness, accuracy or timeliness, nor that they are free of rights.
  5. The client is aware that in the short term and temporary due to maintenance, restructuring or other work on technical equipment, the scope is limited or not available. meebox GmbH, wherever possible, endeavor, but it can not guarantee to carry out such performance limitations at the time, in the basis of past experience, the power is not strong taken regularly in claim.

§ 10 Warranty

  1. Warranty desire are immediately reported to meebox GmbH, at no hidden defects within a period of two weeks from the provision of the service, but always in writing and details of the circumstances of the occurrence of the claimed error, and the effects inform. Otherwise the assertion of warranty claims is excluded. The client bears the full burden of proof for all claims, in particular for the defect itself, for the time of discovery of the defect and the timeliness of the complaint.
  2. In warranty cases meebox GmbH has the right to subsequent performance. Fails this within a reasonable period and propose them within a further reasonable extension, which the client has set to meebox GmbH, the client is entitled to the statutory warranty rights.
  3. The warranty period is one year from the provision of access to the meebox. Public statements, recommendations or advertisements of the manufacturer do not contractual specification of power. The meebox GmbH can make its supplementary actions on the existence of above conditions.

§ 11 Jurisdiction

  1. For all current and future claims arising from the business relationship the exclusive jurisdiction is Oyten. However, we reserve the right to assert our claims at any other admissible claims of trial.

§ 12 Supplementary law

  1. In addition, exclusively unified German law, notably the BGB / HGB. This applies in particular if the contract language is not German. The provisions of the Vienna Convention of 11 April 1980 on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) are excluded.

§ 13 Severability clause

  1. Should one or more provisions of this contract be invalid or be so is it not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision will be as soon as possible be replaced by another provision that comes the substance of the law invalid provision.

§ 14 Written form

  1. Verbal agreements to this contract do not exist. Changes or additions do not exist.

Payment by invoice
Payment by direct debit

Relocation information

Account number incorrect!

Bank number incorrect!

I hereby authorize the meebox GmbH to collect outstanding debts within the contract period.

Invoice recipient:

Invoice address:

Zip code not correct!

Your meebox will be normally reached within a day at the following address:

Your data will be sent to you on the following e-mail address:

We hope you have fun with your meebox.